Day 1 - Creating the Space to Let Go
by Les Price | The 21 Day Soul Cleanse
“Let go of the past, so that God can open the door to your future.”
Why is it we human beings seem to hold on for dear life to what no longer serves us?
I know from personal experience how hard it has been sometimes to let go of the people, events, situations and belongings that have long served their purpose in our lives. While our need for attachment often arises from the fear of loss of safety, security and the status quo, holding onto your past can be akin to trying to sail a yacht into deep blue oceans while along not realising that it is still tethered to the shore.
So, as we begin this Soul Cleanse series, today I would like to encourage you to review the areas of your life where you are still holding onto the past. Our guides, angels and helpers in the world of spirit would encourage us to release and surrender our attachments to the known, in order to truly discover the potential and opportunities that await us. Travelling lightly into your future is the key here.
According to spiritual teacher Catherine Ponder there are really three lists that we all need to consider in life:
What we want to release from our lives
What we want to attract into our lives
What we are grateful for in our lives
Notice how this process begins with releasing? Its because in order to allow anything new to enter our lives we first have to create the space to receive it. It’s a little like doing a small spring clean on your wardrobe. Have you ever noticed that the moment you clear out a small segment of yoru wardrobe that in a very short time it becomes filled again?
There is a very important principle at play here – because the universe abhors a vacuum. Which means that the moment you clear the old, you allow the space for the new to enter.
More importantly, the less attachment we have to things, the more our life flows and the better we feel energetically, emotionally and physically.
The Practice
So today our practice is simply one of beginning to let go.
Take a moment to reflect on the areas of your life where you have been holding onto what no longer serves you. Whether it be a relationship or friendship, items or belongings in your house, an old behavior, pattern or addiction, or even an old attitude, habit or belief, begin to identify what has been holding you tied and tethered to the shore.
Then simply find one thing that you can begin to bless and surrender from your life today.
By far the easiest and most affirming items are old personal belongings. Which is why once every few months I simply like to get a laundry washing basket, place it in my lounge, and then over the week as I walk around the house I find those items that have reached the end of their spiritual and energetic life, place them in the basket and then eventually send them to the op shop, offer them for recycling or relinquish them to the humble surrounds of the local rubbish dump.
The Affirmation
I now choose to release and surrender the old in my life. I choose to travel freely and easily, and I now create the space for all of God’s good, abundance and blessings to flow into life.
The Question
What have I been holding onto in my life that no longer serves me energetically, physically or spiritually?
The Thought
The universe abhors a vacuum. Therefore, the more I release, the more opportunity for my highest good to come to me with grace, ease and lightness.