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“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey
Well congratulations for making it to day 21 of the Soul Cleanse program!
If you’re reading this message or listening to the audio then you need to be congratulated, for you are one of the rare 1-3% of people that start can start a process and maintain the discipline to reach its completion. It also reinforces the fact that for some part of you this process and journey over the last 21 days has been important to you, that it means something and that there is a deeper commitment to your own personal growth, well-being and progression.
So, in this final weekly reflection of the program I’d like you to consider the life of the mountain climber who for years has felt the subtle yet audible call of his own soul to scale the majestic peaks that grace our world.
Through years of training and preparation they develop the skills, the abilities and talents to make the climb. There is something deep within their spirit that beckons them to take the journey, to make the pilgrimage and to experience what they are being called to experience. While the journey and ascent up the mountain face may be hard, demanding and treacherous, with every step they somehow find within themselves the resilience and strength to move ahead, one step at a time, gently and gracefully up the mountain. For in each moment that is all that is required of them, to take the next small step in faith.
Gradually with these small commitments to themselves and to their inner calling they reach the summit. In the light of the new dawn they arise to see beyond the clouds, beyond the valleys and peaks below. And it is only now as they look back that they can fully appreciated how far they have come. It is only now they can rest for a while and fully celebrate the moment.
In many ways your inner-walk over the last 21 days has been the same. It has been a dedication and devotion to your spirit and soul, an inner-quest to find and rediscover yourself again. All of it would not have been possible without an initial decision to simply give yourself time to stop, to nourish and to lay the foundation to thrive.
But like all good mountain climbers we can understand that while this the end of one journey, it is also the beginning of another. For it is not in attaining the goal or outcome that we are filled, but in the process and journey that we discover who we really are, that we are tested beyond our physical and spiritual limits, and in which we grow to become the person that we were divinely created to be.
Weekly Soul Reflection
So today we celebrate. We celebrate the journey so far and all the great accomplishments and progress that you have made over your life. Today we reflect on who we have become in the process and the lessons that have shaped and defined our character throughout this 21 days and our life before it.
Take a moment today to find at least 3-4 photos of some great soul defining moments in your life. Those moments that helped develop and shape you in some positive and enriching way. For example:
It could have been a travel opportunity overseas
A connection with a new friend or partner
The start of a new career or work opportunity
Or simply a moment where you were connected in nature and beauty
As you reflect on these positive and powerful soul defining moments, take out your journal or note book and write down a few lines for each of the following:
What you felt most grateful and blessed for?
What lessons you have learned on this great life journey?
Who you have become in the process?
Finally, make a commitment today to celebrate your completion of The 21 Day Soul Cleanse. As you reflect on the practices, principles and work you have sowed into your life over the last 21 days:
What has most changed for you emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually?
How are you feeling differently?
How will you take these insights and new energy and apply them in your life moving forward?
Celebrate today by doing one loving, nurturing and rewarding act of self-love for yourself.
The Affirmation
I am on the path to creating a life of greatness and I celebrate my accomplishments.
The Question
Who have I really become on this journey?
The Thought
There will always be another mountain peak to climb. But today I just choose to rest in the silence of this moment and notice how far I have come. Today I lay the foundation for the rest of my life to unfold with grace, ease and lightness. And for this I am eternally blessed and grateful.