Day 14 - Following Your Joy
by Les Price | The 21 Day Soul Cleanse
“People who follow their joy discover a depth of creativity and talent that inspires the world.” Robert Holden
So, as we draw to the close of week 2 of the Soul Cleanse, I’d like you to take a moment and reflect on what really brings you joy in life?
Often we find ourselves seeking outside of ourselves for joy and trying to find it through our material possessions, relationships, careers and work. However, all of these things are simply a means to an end. While driving a brand-new Mercedes may make you feel good about yourself and give yourself some element of happiness and satisfaction, it is in the actual attainment of the goal, dream or ideal that our need for meaning and significance is gained. It’s not so much the attainment of the new car, relationship, or career that makes us happy, but rather what it gives us at a deeper level.
The key here is to understand that rather than trying to find joy, happiness and fulfillment, what we really need is to simply give ourselves permission to follow our joy in each moment. That could be as simple as honouring ourselves and taking time to go for a walk along the beach, inviting some close friends to dinner and sharing quality time with them, starting a new dance class, or simply taking time out in our week to do a practice like Yoga, Pilates or Meditation.
Therefore, following your joy only asks that you give yourself permission and freedom to play. That you listen intently to the call of your soul and seek where it would have you find and experience more joy in each moment.
Our quest as human beings is simply to get out of the pattern that assumes ‘when I have this … then I will experience joy’ and instead replace it with a belief and commitment that says ‘today I choose to experience joy in this moment’.
So, what brings you fully alive? What makes your heart sing? What does your inner-child wish to do, experience and enjoy today? What gift would joy bring if you fully allowed it to enter your life today?
Weekly Soul Reflection
This week’s reflective practice is to get yourself a candle. Find a space and time where you can have 15 – 20 minutes alone for yourself. Then as a ritual, light the candle and sit and observe the flame.
As you allow the energy of the flame to become one with your soul and spirit, cast your mind back to 3 or 4 experiences where you felt deep, heart-fulfilling joy and happiness.
Bring these experiences to mind vividly and make sure to fully feel the emotions. Allow your heart to be opened. As each experience arises, give thanks for it. Be grateful and acknowledge the gift of joy in your life.
As you allow these feelings to permeate and fill your body and every breath, then simply ask your soul ‘How may I follow my joy more deeply, intently and purely this week?’ Then wait and sense the answers, inspiration and guidance that your soul provides.
Make a commitment for the week ahead to follow your joy, sing your heart’s song and most of all be the person you were divinely crafted to be.
The Affirmation
I now allow myself to follow the joy, happiness and fulfilment in this precious moment.
The Question
How can I follow my joy more deeply, intently and purely this week?
The Thought
Discover what brings you fully alive and then simply follow that joy.