Day 16 - Planting the Seeds of Your Soul
by Les Price | The 21 Day Soul Cleanse
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” Cynthia Occelli
Each and every day the universe and great spirit sends inspired insights, ideas and seeds of opportunity into the consciousness of our lives.
Having now learned how to clear and open your energy channels to receive, it is now time to find your soul’s greatest seeds of creativity and inspiration, so you can plant them deeply into the fertile soil of your spirit where they can grow, flourish and thrive.
Every thought has the power to create your reality.
However, not every thought is created the same. Some ideas and inspirations need the right environment to grow, others need to be planted at the right divine time, while some seeds that you feel are right for you may not be in your higher interest and must be surrendered in order to allow something even better to manifest.
Your soul is always wanting to grow and expand. It revels in the creative expression of your highest good. So, take a moment today to simply find a place of stillness within. Dedicate this time to really allowing your soul to speak to you, and with pen and paper in hand, write down at least 10 answers to the following statement.
“When I’m living a soul inspired life without limits I am …”
This question will help you uncover your soul’s highest intent and passion for life. Remember when you are passionate, your heart and spirit are engaged and you often produce and create your highest and best work.
So, what do you really want and desire for your life? What is most important for you? What would help bring your soul and life fully alive?
In Japan, young children who are both gifted and sensitives learn at an early age how to expand and send their energy to a soy bean, in such a way that it instantaneously sprouts. In the same way, once you have found your list of ideal seeds and passions, look through the list and identify which one is the most important for you at this time, and then in the practice for today we will begin to energise it, bring it to life, and sow it deep into the consciousness of our soul where it can thrive and flourish.
The Practice
1) Take a moment to find a place of stillness. And with pen and paper nearby, meditate and ask your soul to answer the statement “When I’m living a soul inspired life without limits I am …”
a. Take a moment to allow at least 10 responses to come to the surface and write them down.
2) Now review your list and find one that really speaks to your soul at this time. Often this will be the one that has the capacity to make the greatest impact.
3) Imagine now giving this thought, idea, impulse a form, shape and life. If you could sense it as a symbol of divine inspiration what would it look like, feel like, be like.
4) Take this symbolic energy and imagine shrinking it now until it is a tiny seed, yet still holds the most infinite potential for good in your life.
a. Imagine holding the seed between your two hands and now send it a brilliant stream of universal divine energy in the form of golden white light.
b. See feel and understand how this seed is now imbued with the divine intelligence of the universe that activates its potential and brings it into full life.
5) It is now time to plan this seed deeply in the garden of your heart where it can be given time to grow, expand and thrive.
a. Feel yourself now take it in both hands and with a simple prayer of gratitude and reverence, bless it and plant it deep into the fertile soul of your heart.
b. Provide it now with every resource it needs to grow and flourish into its full potential.
c. Realise that there is nothing you need to do now. But simply surrender it to universal intelligence and allow it to grow.
d. Once you are done planting simply feel the gratitude of your dreams and manifestations already appearing before you with grace, ease and lightness as your seed sprouts into a majestic tree that bears great abundant rich fruit for yourself and others well into your future.
The Affirmation
I am a channel for creation. I now powerfully sow the intentions of my soul and open my heart to receive the abundant blessings of my spirit.
The Question
What do I really want and desire for my life? What would fully bring my soul alive?
The Thought
While we may all count the seeds within a single apple. How many of us can count the apples that will come from a single seed?