Day 19 - Finding the Divine Within
by Les Price | The 21 Day Soul Cleanse
“You are a beloved of the universe. You are as beautiful as the sunrise and as ancient as the stars. You are a spark of divine love in human form. Through you goodness and form flow into this world.” Anonymous
This morning I’ve woken up with a heavy heart and spirit …
Because even though we’re in the land of nourishing I am still processing the grief and loss of a friendship that was very close to me.
And, so it’s in this moment that I’m reminded that while we may want every day to be a box of chocolates, our lives are not often like that. There will be moments where we feel like we’re at the peak of incredible joy and other times where we are somehow cast into the valleys of disillusion.
The Fire and the Forge
Yet it is often here at the depths and farthest extents of our being that we are being tested and forged into becoming the person that we were truly created to be. It is here at the extents of our being that our soul has the capacity to find our greatest courage, fortitude and faith so we can rediscover the magnificence of who were really are – a divine source of light, love and grace that came to share its greatest gifts with the world.
There is an incredible blueprint for your soul that forms the foundation of who you really are. It is the eternal fire and divine blueprint that is at the core of your being. A single flame of light that will always be alight no matter what happens in your life. It’s in the times of chaos and uncertainty that we are beckoned to go within, to search for this light, to connect with it, to be warmed and inspired by its presence. The great divine spirit runs within each and every one of us and if we were to seek it out it would provide the strength and belief that we need to turn the valleys into mountains, the dried up well into flowing rivers and to provide us the hope that tomorrow will be a new day, and with it will come a new dawn and a new awakening of the sun and earth.
Allowing Your Divine Presence
Several weeks ago, while visiting a friend at her holiday house a beautiful bright red-orange poppy came into full bloom. Magnificent in it solitary presence, this flower did not hold back from showing who it really was, it did not intend, nor was it created to play small. Instead it simply allowed the divine presence and program within itself to be fully manifested into form.
As human beings we have a lot to learn from flowers. Most importantly we can discover that to flourish and to bloom all we need is the right environment, good nourishment and the freedom to allow the divine expression within us to arise fully and completely without limitation. It is here that we begin to realise that the God source and I are in fact one, never separate, and that the same energy field runs through us all. And if we can allow this understanding to permeate our beings then we may discover that all we need to do is let go of our struggle, striving and forcing things to happen, and instead listen within to hear and follow the innate and loving guidance of our souls.
The Practice
There is no greater connection to the source of divinity within us than simply honouring and merging our consciousness and awareness with an act of divine beauty.
So your practice today is simply to sit in the presence of something of divine presence and beauty, and know that what is in it, is also within you. Here are some examples to stir your imagination:
Go down to the beach and be present watching and honouring the divine magnificence of an amazing sunset.
Find a beautiful flower that is in bloom and simply sit with it and know that its beauty, openness and essence is also within you.
Sit by the flame of a burning candle and notice its energy, its presence and its flame. Allow this energy of vitality to cleanse, purify and stir something greater with you.
Notice the waves at an ocean beach as they come in to shore and recede and allow its energy to wash over you.
Sit beneath the shade of a beautiful tree in a garden or park near you. Feel its breath and energy field and know and honour that you are one with the divine seed and program that is this tree.
The Affirmation
I am one with the divine essence of grace, beauty and magnificence that is within me.
The Question
How am I being called to reconnect with the divine essence within me?
The Thought
The God source and I are one. Divinity flows through me always. There is no separation.