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Writer's pictureLes Price

Day 5 – Moving Beyond Your Limitations

Day 5 - Moving Beyond Your Limitations

“Are you willing to take the big leap to your ultimate level of success in love, money, and creative contribution?” Gay Hendricks

All of us reach moments in lives where we feel we have hit the upper-limit of what is possible for our lives.

In many ways we both consciously and unconsciously will find ourselves arrive at moments where we feel we have reached a ‘glass ceiling’ or resistance to our continued growth and expansion.

Our ancestral survival conditioning and hard-wiring to avoid pain, suffering and fear, means that we will often find ourselves reaching the set level of our inner-thermostat for success, only to find that the moment we go beyond what we ‘believe’ is possible for our lives, that we unconsciously or consciously sabotage our success, and return back to levels of being that feel comfortable for us.

Travelling the path of the enlightened hero, heroine or warrior means learning to confront and move beyond the inner-limits that arise for yourself. It means summoning the courage, boldness and confidence to look your preconceived limitations in the face, while reframing and reprogramming your mind, body and soul for the success, joy and happiness you really desire.

Our beliefs are powerful things, and we will always only create and allow into our lives what we believe is possible – no more and no less. The good news however is that the moment you shift your belief systems – the world around you will also change.

So today, I’d like you to explore where you have been holding yourself back from experiencing the full magnificence and potential of who you really are. Where have you been setting limits for yourself? Where do you pull back instead of going forward? Where do you limit what is possible for your life?

Today we will find the glass ceilings and discover that they are an illusion of our mind, and that we have within us the power and choice to fully let go, be free and soar beyond the all limitation.

The Practice

Often, we are not aware of the patterns and inner-dialogue that sits below the surface of our consciousness, which may undermine or desire for success. This simple clearing process will help bring your conscious and unconscious dialogue to the surface so that you can clear the limitations and past programming from your life. It’s a powerful, yet subtle process in awareness and self-transformation.

While you may choose to do the process just for today, I often find that for best results it is good to repeat it daily for 11 days using the same focusing statement or intention.

1)      Take a moment to sit and reflect gently with a journal and pen handy.

2)      Reflect on an area of life that you most want to change. An area where you may have found yourself being stuck or having limited yourself in the past.

a.      Then write down a new affirmation or statement of belief that stretches you and pushes you beyond the limits of what you believe, or feel is possible. For example if you have only ever earned $60,000 per year, then setting an intention of “I now openly create, receive and attract a divine income of $150,000 per year doing what I love”, will stretch you to open to a new possibility.

b.      Remember, don’t play to small that it is unexciting. And don’t aim to big that it is immediately not achievable.

3)      Once you have your affirmation and intention statement. Then write it down in journal on one line.

a.      Now just sit and listen for what inner-dialogue, resistance, critical thinking or commentary comes up from your ego. For example it may say “That’s not possible”, “No way you could do that”, “I don’ believe I can” or even “I am afraid”.

b.      Whatever comes up write it under your affirmation. The key here is not to judge the commentary, simply to let it come to the surface and then clear it by writing it out.

c.       If at any time you feel nothing arises – then simply write the word ‘blank’ and continue with the process.

4)      Continue to repeat the process at number (3) at least 22 times.

a.      Gradually you will find that once the negative past conditioning arises and is cleared, that the inner-commentary changes as your spirit and soul now come forth to affirm your ability to create what you desire.

5)      Once you have completed the process you should feel as though you have made a shift in your own belief and openness to your affirmation and intention. If not, then you may need to repeat the process for a few days, or look at revising and changing your affirmation so it is more appropriate for you.

The Affirmation

I now choose to expand beyond all limitations and know that I am free to create a rich, happy, rewarding and abundant life.

The Question

Am I willing to feel good and have my life go well all the time?

The Thought

Our beliefs are powerful. We will always only create and allow into our lives what we believe is possible – no more and no less.

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