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Writer's pictureLes Price

Day 6 – Releasing Past Agreements and Expectations

Day 6 - Releasing Past Agreements and Expectations

“Notice how the trees do not hold onto their leaves. Fall is all about release the old to make way for the new.” Anonymous

Have you ever felt like you were being held back, restricted and limited?

Have you ever felt like you were consistently trying to meet or exceed the expectations and needs of others, while having to place your own needs second?

In a world of dynamic relationships we are consistently being challenged to confront and evaluate our connection to the people and relationships in our lives. While every relationship at some level has been created to teach and reflect to us what we most need to learn and understand at the soul level for this lifetime, it is often the more unconscious soul agreements, commitments, vows and demands that may often hinder or slow down our progress, until we eventually get the lesson it contains.

We are all energetic beings. Every day we interact with others and form agreements and commitments based on expressed and un-expressed needs. These energetic soul level agreements form string bonds between us that can either accelerate our progress or slow it down. Especially, in the case where relationships have ended, or where a loved one has passed away, and yet we are still unconsciously holding onto their energy, or they are holding onto us.

The Hawaiian Kahuna’s would often refer to these as the ‘aka cords’ that form overtime between our soul self and the loved ones, spirit and ancestors that have gone before us.

The good news however, is that because we have sovereignty over our own soul we can choose to review, audit and release those agreements, contracts and vows that no longer serve us in the present moment.

A regular cleansing process for releasing old energetic ties is fundamental if we are to return to living in our full divine power, strength and vitality. And most of all if we are going to commit fully to becoming the ‘fully actualised person’ that we were crafted to be.

Therefore, if you’re ready, now is the perfect time to release the old agreements and call back your power, your presence and your spirit. And most of all to create the perfect conditions where you can release your hand from the handbrake and take back your spiritual power and sovereignty.

The Practice

Take a moment today where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and go within to access your own special sacred space of stillness.

As you bring your awareness to each breath, simply:

1)      Allow your consciousness to enter into your heart space – the doorway to your soul.

2)      As you enter this space you may wish to imagine bringing to mind the cords of energy that keep you connected to the relationships, people, ancestors and connections of the past.

3)      While you imagine these connections and cords of light, you begin to notice that they are attached to images that have been held together in picture frames.

4)      Some of these frames are Gold in colour – and you immediately sense that these are connections that continue to serve your spirit and soul for the highest good. Most of all the energy in these connections feels good, light, loving and grace filled.

5)      Now your awareness guides you to the other frames of connection.

a.      Some of these are lighter in colour, shape and form – you immediately recognise that these are connections that still have some meaning and purpose and for which you feel quite neutral or content with.

b.      While finally you notice that there are some connections that appear more dull in their nature. You may even sense that there energy is finished, old, or that it no longer serves your highest good.

6)      Allow your consciousness to bring one of these old cords of attachment and connection to mind. As you do, allow your inner-presence to bring to mind the person, situation or event that no longer serves you. And then acknowledge it without judgment.

7)      If you feel that it is now time to release this energy, simply call in the presence of Archangel Gabriel, the angel of God’s divine light and communication.

a.      Ask the Archangel Gabriel, does this cord, agreement, soul contract or vow need to be i) released completely or ii) be rewritten.

b.      If the answer is released then use the healing prayer and affirmation below to fully release this cord and agreement from your energy.

c.       If the answer is rewritten, then imagine the contract or agreement between the two of you being rewritten and reformed in a way that serves your soul.

8)      Once you have released these ties, it is now time to call your spirit back. Imagine calling back the soul fragments and energy from the other person or event, and see yourself taking back your power and only the lessons, and good that has come from that experience.

9)      Finally, bless this healing space that you have created. Thanks the angels and guides for the help. And feel your spirit whole, perfect and complete.

Prayer for Healing of Aka Cords

Divine spirit, guardians, angels, masters and teachers of the light. Cleanse and release from my soul and spirit all agreements, cords, attachments and vows that no longer serve my soul and spirit. Allow me now to fully release and surrender all ties to the light for divine healing and transformation. Create anew the relationships in my life, and help me now to bring back my power, passion, purpose and presence. I now release these old cords and attachments through all levels, all generations, all past and present lives. It is done. It is done. It is done.

The Affirmation

I am now free to stand fully in my divine power, purpose and strength.

The Question

Where have I allowed others to hold onto my spirit, soul and energy?

The Thought

I am a sovereign being of light, and I now choose to fully release the ties of the past. I call  back my power, and know that I am free to stand in my authentic truth and divinity.

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